Monday, November 17, 2014

Why Be an Artist?

Being an artist is not an easy thing. It kind of makes you different when you are really committed to it. It can be under appreciated, misunderstood and mistaken as a misguided childhood dream. So knowing all that why would I still want to be an artist?

For me it has saved my soul. I suffer from depression and anxiety. Art has become an outlet and an escape from consuming thoughts. It has allowed me to function and be apart of something again. The past few years my family has walked through some very difficult times, experiencing loss and grief more times than is normal in a given year. My heart was consumed with grief. Art allowed me to safely explore my emotions. It kept me from getting lost in those deep dark feelings. It stopped my anxious constant pacing and allowed me to still my brain and my heart. It did not judge me and created real pictures of the hurt and pain I had inside. It released me from it. But what was even more amazing was when my pictures began to be positive and filled with light. When they changed from depicting me as an injured soul to a free spirit. It is amazing to see my art change as it changed me.

So why be an artist, well because it is just in me to do so. I can't change that nor would I want to. Now I have begun to encourage others in their walk. I love seeing their art display real human emotion that starts out showing the hurt and pain in their life...and seeing the change to real artistic expression of their spirit. I also love seeing them go from not sharing their pieces to showing them with pride. Going from 'I need your acceptance of my work' to 'here is my art, love it or leave it...cause I love it!' It is a huge moment when you no longer need approval of others!

 Art is who I am, and not for all the money in the world would I be willing to change that. I believe in my heart that God brought art into my life to heal the hurts, and set me on the path of helping others explore art in their life. It's an amazing gift, and I honor and treasure it.

So why did you become an artist? I would love to hear your story too!


  1. I never really considered myself a artist. Couple years ago I drew something and both my sisters said I traced it. I said I didn't and one wouldn't believe me. Lol since then I have been drawing and creating to the best of my ability. Not sure where it came from or why it waited till my 50's to show up but it is here. Big as life and I am happy it did! It is my outlet for many things. I can shut my door, turn on quiet music and hide myself from the outside world. I can love what I create or hate it but have learned to put it aside and take a fresh look at it another day.

    1. That's the wonderful thing about being an artist, everyone has their own process. I think the beautiful thing about it is what we discover about ourselves, and the fact that we can decide to either share it, or keep it special for oneself. I started showing artistic ability in my school years, but then stepped away for about 20 plus years. Entangled in life, then just recently I found that outlet, and there is no turning back :)

  2. Thanks for sharing. I think you already know that my story is quite similar to yours. And, like you, it has been very therapeutic and a place/way to digest emotions and life, ups and downs, joys and sorrow. Above all, a place where I feel connection with the divine and where reminders/messages seem to come through when I need them... a form of prayer and conversation even! :)
