Thursday, November 6, 2014

Pet & Family Friendly Studio

Mufasa sleeping in front of my storage area
I waited a very longtime to have my very own creative space in my house. For the longest time I did not create anything. Than God opened the flood gates and I have not stopped. My husband saw how much this filled me with joy and decided he would give me that space, and he has.

My home is "lived in" it is not a showcase. On weekends we kind of just "let it go". No worries about being neat and tidy (I will clean it all up Monday morning). We just focus on time together. We are a family of 3 with 6 furbabies and a fish.

Keeping this in mind...many would not want their fuzzy friends or even their children invading their creative space. As for me...I love it! I love having my daughter at the table creating away. I love having my dog by my side and my cats crawling all over my things. It keeps me grounded and connected with my family. It makes me laugh and reminds me of what is important...staying connected with family.

My space is pet & family friendly. It is filled with love, and the loved ones who inspire what I create. What about you, do you invite the outside world into your creative space?


  1. Hi! Thanks for posting the Ruby magazine on your new blog ;o) I just sent you an email letting you know that I've got this new link and will be adding it to the Ruby Blogger Team page as soon as possible. Thanks for contributing to the ministry of Ruby for Women! Nina

    1. Thank you for your continued support :) I love the Ruby for Women Mission and hope my readership will make it a point to visit your page :)
